lundi 11 janvier 2010

How would you rate that...

How would you rate that? Which one do you prefer? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6? I don't have any long-hair numeric photo (anyway, I was too youg then, about 18 years!)... I let it grow long but...

10 commentaires:

Cristina a dit…

le look que je préfére c'est le N°5 ^_^

Mord-ecay a dit…

nejmin ses mi libila v tech kratkych, ted ses féééšanda:)

grey_lemur a dit…

nikdy bych netušila, že to řeknu, ale ten ježeček vypadá dost dobře.:)

jinak ale hlasuju pro ofinku!:)

Hel Enka a dit…

v tech dvou kratkych jsi extrazajimava, jinak ofinka a mikado je strasne cute :)

Daniel Prokop a dit…

hlasuju pro předposlední verzi - tj. no. 5

Anonyme a dit…

A tough question. Anyway I am glad I could have seen all those pics. On the first one you look like different person - but its really intresting look. Going back to your original question - I would acctually prefer No. 2. But you look pretty in all of them. SF

Kami a dit…

You told me I knew you... So how is that possible, that you'd never seen me "bold"?:D

Anonyme a dit…

Well, your head was not shaven for your whole life. Therefore, I can know you without seeing you with shaved head - logical, isnt it :-) ? SF

Kami a dit…

Stop being ironic all the time. And just to let you know...It took quite a long time I had that haircut!!!

Anonyme a dit…

Come on, I was not ironic at all - I was just stating facts! It could have been a long time ago since you had that haircut - it still does not change anything what I have written. SF

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