m's prefered rattle made me think that I could have nails with panda theme (on my thumbs) - white base with black dots for ears, eye base and the muzzle -easy!!!,... but as some stupido was hammering the wall during m's sleep... it ended with white stain of polish on m's blanket and black fast drying polish on my thumbs. Maybe next time I'll have better luck.
However, m will find black nails interesting anyway...!
Rattle : Lamaze
(panda and zebra are m's favorite toys)
Nail polish: Rimmel 60 seconds 800 black out
(one of those "one coaters" that needs 2 coats to be good, 3 coats and topcoat to perfection).
Rattle : Lamaze
(panda and zebra are m's favorite toys)
Nail polish: Rimmel 60 seconds 800 black out
(one of those "one coaters" that needs 2 coats to be good, 3 coats and topcoat to perfection).
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